Saturday, November 26, 2011

Holidays 101

I decided that with the sudden rush of the holidays, I would write the little isms I have for experiencing them :)

1. (I might as well get this one off my chest right here right now) don't hold back. These next precious weeks occur only once a year and require a bit of indulgence.

2. Wear loose, comfortable clothing at all opportunities. Yoga pants anyone?

3. Exercise. Go for walks every opportunity given or just do some exercises in the warmth of your home! I know it's tempting to shlep every moment away snuggled up on the couch, drinking hot cocoa, and watching Christmas classics, but trust me, you will find that your holiday experience will be much more fulfilling if you aren't having to be rolled everywhere.

4. Participate in everything! Whether it's hauling a sappy Christmas tree, hanging every last ornament on it, or helping clean up after the family dinners, do it.

5. Cooking is one of my favorite parts of the season so gear up for that but don't let it consume you: leave some energy for being able to enjoy the time (even if it means a desperate treck to the local grocer for their holiday specialties).

6. Enjoy the people around you. This is hopefully a daily practice but if it isn't, the holidays are the perfect time to begin loving that one person who always annoys you by eating the cookie you had your eyes on.

7. Dress up for those special evening events, get festive! Dressing up gives events more significance. Plus, it's fun and you look fantastic I'm sure :)

8. For the meals such as Thanksgiving where you know you're doomed to leave stuffed like the turkey: pace yourself and have small portions. Fight the urge to take a huge glop of the cinnamon yams. This way, you aren't stuck with a large portion of something you don't plan to finish, and you can always go back for the foods you liked.

9. Have traditions. They give a personal touch to every holiday and traditions give you something specific to bond over every year. For example, during Thanksgiving dinner, my family and I write everything we are thankful for on plastic cups with Sharpies.

10. (I saved the best for last) This may sound cliche, but in all of this glitz and glamour, do not, under any circumstance, forget what these holidays are about and the reasons we have them. Stay focused and appreciate them! It isn't every day the entire world participates in celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ (whether intentionally or not).

Luke 2:10 But the angels said to them "Do not be afraid, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. 11 Today in the town of David, a Savior has been born to you; He is Christ, the Lord. 12 This will be a sign to you, you will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger." 13 Suddenly, a great company if the heavenly host appeared with the angels, praising God and saying, 14 "Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace, and goodwill to men on whom His favor rests."

Note: if you have any other tips and tricks you find helpful and would like to add to this please let me know :)


  1. Awww cookie, I love this so much! I totally did that on thanksgiving! Small portions! ^-^
