Sunday, March 20, 2011

Never Say Never

"And the horses are loading for the Santa Fe Stakes!" The announcer's voice boomed over the loud speaker. My eyes fixed forward I could feel my heart racing with anticipation. My Girl chewed at the bit anxiously under me, the horses in the chutes next to us snorting and whinnying, each awaiting the moment with equal impatience. The last two horses were being loaded. 15 seconds until starting time. Allowing my gaze to wander, I took in the crowds of people seated around me and the smell of the turf in the summer heat. My Girl pawed at the ground and I smiled, knowing how she felt. Complete silence hung over the crowd like a giant balloon, just waiting to be popped. I brought my gaze forward, finding a perfect view of the track that stretched before me between My Girl's dark ears. "Let's do this." The buzzer split the silence and the gates flung open. My girl and I burst from the gate. I could hear the desperate urges from the jockeys behind us as they tried to encourage their balking horses from the gate. With every step she took we gained ground, her strides eating away at the turf. A wall of 5 horses loomed before us with 2 at our flank and gaining. 10 seconds had already passed with 1 and a half furlongs left. I needed to breach the wall. Watching the crush of horses before me, I found my opening. With a simple tug of the rein, My Girl angled towards the fence and I watched as the horse nearest us lost power, leaving the space wide open. Pushing my hands along My Girl's pulsing neck, I urged her forward and she slipped easily into the position. Our clock was ticking. I peeled my first layer of mud smeared goggles off and buried my face in her cropped mane. "Now." I breathed and she exploded forward, flying past the lead horse. "Sunny With A Chance drops behind to second place! My Girl has pulled herself from the crunch in the back and has taken the lead!" I could barely hear the announcer's excited voice over the roar of pounding hooves. The wire came closer and closer with every stride. I could hear the crowd screaming our name now. This was it. Then, as soon as it had begun, it ended. I was thrown to the ground before I understood what was happening. I was sent flipping over her shoulders as My Girl crashed to the ground, her body barely missing mine. Some racers cleared us with a single leap, others barely managed to avoid galloping right over us. The crowd gasped and the announcer's voice once again filled the arena with his overly enthusiastic commentary but I did not hear a word. The world blurred past as I reached for My Girl. Her pained neigh pierced the thundering noise as she lurched to stand then dropped back to her knees, trying to finish the race. "Ladies and gentlemen, Back In The Day has taken first place!" The announcer's voice shouted and reality suddenly came crashing back. I looked up to see half the crowd cheering -hats flying in to the air and another round of celebratory drinks ordered- while the other half stared down at My Girl and me struggling in the turf, our magnificent lead lost. My loss forgotten, I pulled myself to my feet. Taking her reins in my hand, I urged My Girl to her feet. "Come on girl, stand." Her once shiny coat was now covered in a mixture of sweat and dirt, her body heaving from the exertion. "Please, we can still finish this." I ran my hand gently over the signature white star on her nose, trying not to cry. Her ears swiveled away from the crowd's maddening roar towards my voice and slowly pulled her legs under her to stand. After a shaky attempt, she finally stood once again, her graceful head lifted and ears perked towards me, ready for our next move. I turned and lead her towards the finish. "Ladies and gentlemen, I don't believe it. My Girl and her jockey Amy Williams are back up and apparently determined to finish this race!" The announcer declared and the audience suddenly hushed, all eyes watching the dirt covered and battle wounded pair walk the last steps of the race. As My Girl stepped past the finish wire the crowd went absolutely insane. I looked up to see every person on their feet, cheering and clapping as if we had just won the Breeder's Cup. Tears blurred in my eyes and I threw my arms around My Girl's sweaty neck. She nudged my back and blew a puff of warm air through my tangled hair. "Never say never, girl," I laughed between tears. "Never say never."


  1. Good, clear, intense. I liked it, reminded me of my horsing days. :)

    A few corrections...

    2nd paragraph - "A few horses balked in surprise but I didn't know..." Really? Then how can she tell us?

    3rd - The sentence where her body flips and the horse's body barely misses, trim it so you only say "body" once. Otherwise, it sounds accidental.

    4th - "Ladies and gentlemen, Back In The Day, as..." Chop the second comma and add an H. :)
    It should be "me and My Girl." I know "My Girl and I" sounds correct, but it's the old "are they looking at me or are they looking at I" rule.
    And then "in the fleeting moments of this life." Really? It's a bit cheesy. ;)

    5th - Do we truly need to know about the width of the reins during this climactic moment? (Which, by the way, doesn't have a G.)

  2. "My eyes fixed forward I could fell my heart"
    change "fell" to "feel". ;)

    I thought the same thing about Jennette's comment on the 2nd paragraph - you tell us something but immediately say you don't know. That doesn't work here...

    I love it though! Sounds like something my sister would do. She loves horses and she's always ready to hop back up and finish something. Your story has much emotional impact and it's really good. :)

  3. The topic was way different than I was expecting when I saw the title :) haha

    I agree with both of them... lots of emotional impact, and great imagery. Couple edits to add to theirs:

    before I read their ideas, I was going to suggest saying, I didn't notice... but you could just cut it out.

    [second layer of mud smeared goggles off] Second layer? What was the first? It made me go back and read the story... wondering what I missed.

    [roar towards my voice then she slowly pulled her legs under her to stand. ] Either you need a comma after voice, or use the word "and" instead of then.

    Good work! Keep it up.. I'm really enjoying your writing!

  4. Thank you for your edits! I appreciate the feedback and am glad to hear you all enjoyed it despite my many errors :)

    I went through and made a few corrections. All but one though, Jennette, do you mean I should change it through the entire story from "My Girl and I" to "me and My Girl"? Or was there one particular circumstance? Please let me know of any other corrections that need to be made :)
