Friday, March 4, 2011

Home Sweet Home

John 15:19, "...but I have chosen you out of the world..."

As Christians, we are called not to be of this world, but to live in it and be a light of hope and joy for all to see. This world is not our home.

Being the daughter of a military man and therefore having moved around fairly often, I find it difficult to place geographically just where my "home" is. When asked where I am from or where my hometown is, my response is usually vague regarding a specific place but my answer to where I call home is solid. Home is where God calls me to be and where my family is. God gives us a place of comfort and of love, where everyday is a new adventure waiting to be embarked upon. Home for me is standing with my bare feet in the cool ocean water as waves lap rhythmically upon the shore. Home can also be sitting in a busy restaurant laughing with my family until my sides hurt, or standing in the pews of a church, worshiping my Savior with friends. My home can be anywhere as God is everywhere and therein lies my home sweet home.


  1. I really like this, Allie, very good points. Short but sweet, and your concluding sentence is lovely. Good job!

  2. I love this. :)

    one thing...I *love* the way you concluded it - but that sentence seems extra wordy, or long & drawn out. Maybe it's just me. I was going to say you could rephrase it to "My home can be anywhere God is" but then I like your point that "God is everywhere." So I dunno.

    Regardless, I really love what you shared here. So sweet!

  3. I can echo just about everything they said. :) I like the rhythm of anywhere/everywhere, but it does feel a bit long. Maybe try something more like "My home can be anywhere as God is everywhere - therein lies my home sweet home." Switching from a word to a punctuation mark breaks it up a little more.

  4. Wonderful! To be honest, I sat at the computer basically banging my head on my desk trying to figure out what on earth to end with... I was not feeling very creative while writing this so thank you for the instructive criticism :)
